27th March 2022

The Firefighter Hill Climb

Price: £Fundraising Event

The Firefighter Hill Climb is a 3-day fundraising challenge raising money for emergency service charities. This is being undertaken by James Compton, an on-call firefighter from Bradford on Avon.

  • Each day will consist of 20 hill climbs, wearing a fire kit, carrying a 70kg training dummy.
  • Day 1: Church Street to Budbury Place via Tory steps.
  • Day 2: Church Street to the top of Conigre Hill.
  • Day 3: Church Street to the top of Masons Lane.
  • Each day will total about 1000m of climbing, the equivalent of climbing Mount Snowdon.
  • Date and Time: 25th – 27th March, 0900 – 1700 each day.
  • Location: Bradford on Avon
  • Charities: Police Care UK, The Fire Fighters Charity, The Ambulance Staff Charity

These charities do amazing work supporting the UK’s emergency service personnel. They provide help and support for illness, injury, mental health and financial hardship. Over the last two years, the pandemic has placed a huge amount of additional pressure on our emergency services. This has resulted in a huge increase in the number of emergency service workers struggling with their mental health. Through research, all three charities have observed this increase. This is why, along with fundraising, I want to use this event to raise awareness of the mental health challenges our emergency service workers face and promote open conversion about the issue. Normalising discussions about mental health and sharing experiences can help people realise they are not alone in their struggles and lead them to seek out the help they need.