Price: £suggested donation of £10 per person
An opportunity for a guided tour of Avonleigh Orchards an organic fruit and vegetable farm on the edge of Bradford on Avon.
As part of the ‘Great Big Green Week’ in Bradford on Avon, Avonleigh Orchards are inviting people to come and say ‘hello’ and see what they are up to.
12.00 pm cup of tea
12.30 pm Tour begins
There will be a bowl of vegetable soup after the tour at approx 2.00 pm
16 years on a chance to see Bradford on Avon’s Permacultural Fruit and Vegetable Farm, Jonathan, will give a guided tour mapping out projects and future events on the farm as it looks to incorporate itself more with the community.
Suggested Donations of £10 per adult for those who can afford, unemployed, students, young person’ free, money raised will go to
the Charity ‘Blue Ventures’, who works with communities in the Indian Ocean.
For more information and to book a place,
please email
Instagram @AvonleighOrchards