Join us on Monday evenings at Winsley Village Hall for a circuit-based exercise class for all ability levels.
A combination of exercises to improve strength, balance and coordination to support good health, both now and in the future. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Come along to enjoy a friendly, fun environment.
Fit-in Exercise and Lifestyle: helping you to make important changes in your lifestyle and fitness today.
£22 per month, or £7 per session
Weekly classes at Winsley Village Hall:
Monday 7pm – 8pm
Friday 9am – 10am
Other upcoming events
The Wisdom Space is delighted to host another beginner’s course in astrology with Sue Brayne...
"The wisdom of Astrology". An eight week beginners course with Sue Brayne
The Wisdom Space is delighted to host another beginner’s course in astrology with Sue Brayne...
"The wisdom of Astrology". An eight week beginners course with Sue Brayne
The Wisdom Space is delighted to host another beginner’s course in astrology with Sue Brayne...